Membership FAQs

How long does my membership run?

Our membership year runs from September to August. Each year, we offer an Early Bird Special (“EBS”) beginning in August and running through the date of our November program (this year, that’s 11/21/24). Renew your membership during EBS for great savings! But you can join PWC anytime, and take advantage of the free program offerings from the time you sign up through our final program in June!

Do you offer CEUs for your programs?

2024: This policy is being revised. Check our Events page prior to each program for details.

What is the cost to attend a program for a non-member?

The cost to attend a PWC educational program as a non-member is $65. This will give you access to any credit provided for the program you attend (please remember to sign in!), not to mention the networking opportunities that are at the heart of PWC’s mission. And for in-person programs, dinner is included!

Sorry, but virtual attendance is available to PWC members only.
So why not join now?

What type of membership is best for me?

PWC offers individual and firm-based memberships as well as flex memberships for larger organizations that need more flexibility for event attendees. Several Sponsorship levels also come with one or more free memberships. Check out our All about PWC Membership & Sponsorship page for more information on membership and sponsor membership levels. And if you’re still not sure you can always contact us using our contact form, or call us at (206) 249-7922. (If we don’t answer, leave a voicemail).

What are the benefits of being a Sponsor Member?

We’re so glad you asked!

Sponsor members help keep PWC membership affordable! As our thank-you to our sponsors, we provide heightened visibility in the form of:

  • PWC membership (multiple memberships for Diamond and Emerald sponsors!)
  • Special recognition in our online directory
  • Special recognition at our annual banquet
  • Emerald, Diamond, and Platinum Sponsors get a link to their website on PWC’s home page!
  • Additional benefits for Emerald and Diamond sponsors can be found by clicking here for Emerald, and here for Diamond

And you can add to your sponsor benefits by purchasing a Firm Membership with a Flex Option! This will not only add three more members from your company, but it will add the Flex Option to both the Firm Membership and your Sponsor membership! That means that if one of your named members (through either your Firm Membership or your Sponsorship) is unable to attend a program, you can send a coworker in their place!

For more information on benefits of various levels of sponsor membership, please take a look at our our All about PWC Membership  page. For information on how to submit a sponsor ad, please visit our Ad Guidelines page.

Or feel free to contact us using our contact form, or call us at (206) 249-7922 (if we don’t answer, leave a voicemail).

Is there a difference between Firm Memberships and Individual Memberships?

Yes. There is a difference between Firm and Individual Memberships. Firm memberships are owned by the organization, not the individual. Should a designated firm member leave, the Firm (company) that purchased the membership may transfer the membership to a new employee or organizational member. Individual memberships are purchased by an individual and stay with the individual in the event they move to a new company or organization. Of course, if you need to make changes to your Firm or Individual membership during the course of the membership year, please send us your new contact information by email at, so that we can update our records and online directory.

What is the Flex Option for the Firm Membership?

By adding the Flex Option to your Firm Membership for $50, your firm gains flexibility in attendees for each PWC educational program. For example, let’s say your company has a single Firm Membership with three named members. Two of the members cannot attend the January educational program, but two other company employees would like to attend in their place. With the Flex Option, your firm can send two other employees in their place! In fact, your firm can send as many people to an educational program as you have memberships, regardless of whether the attendees are named members. Without the Flex Option only registered PWC members can attend for free. Company employees or coworkers who are not named members may attend, but without the Flex Option, each must pay the nonmember rate to attend that program ($65).

Plus, if you add the Flex Option to a Firm Membership, then any other memberships your company purchases will automatically gain the benefit of the Flex Option!

For example:
Firm Membership + Flex Option + Platinum Sponsorship = Flexible Attendance for 4 employees to attend any of our educational programs!

To add the Flex Option, just check the box on the first page of the Firm Membership registration form.

What’s the Early Bird Special?

When you sign up online and early, it helps reduce the workload on our volunteer staff, and gives us the assurance that we’ll have the support and budget we need to offer rewarding and worthwhile events!

For 2024: The deadline for our Early Bird Special is 11/21/24.


Do you have a paper registration form I can use?

A paper registration form can be made available to you if needed. Please send an email to to request a paper registration form. 

Which Service category should I choose?

When you sign up, you will be asked to select your service type, so that others will know in which part of the workers’ compensation industry you work. To assist you in selecting the appropriate category, here are some guidelines:

  • Claims Administration: Involved in administration of workers’ compensation claims, either through Department of Labor and Industries, a self-administered employer, or a Washington State third party administrator (TPA)
  • Employer or Retro Representative:  Providing services as an employer representative (non-attorney) or in administering or coordinating a retrospective rating program
  • IME Services:  Company or provider that coordinates, schedules, or performs independent medical examinations
  • Interpreters:  Provider or company providing language interpretation for an injured worker for medical treatment or vocational activities
  • Legal Representatives: Legal representatives (attorneys, paralegals, legal assistants) or law firms providing legal representation to injured workers or to employers involved in workers’ compensation claims and litigation
  • Medical Case Management: Providers qualified to provide case management services consistent with Chapter 20 of the Department of Labor & Industries Medical Rules and Fee Schedule
  • Specialty Consultants: Ergonomists, test administrators, or other persons providing other services in workers’ compensation which are not included in other categories
  • Treatment Providers:  Physicians, therapists, psychologists, and other organizations or professionals which provide medical evaluation and treatment to injured workers
  • Vocational Services:  Vocational counselors and firms providing vocational counseling and related evaluations for injured workers, consistent with Chapter 30 of  the Department of Labor & Industries Medical Rules and Fee Schedule
How can I confirm that I’m a current member?

Our membership year runs from September to August, so if you haven’t joined or renewed since 08/19/24, then your membership has expired. But you can confirm your status by going to this page and searching for your name. If you are not listed there, then you will need to renew (click here to get started!). Of course, we are always happy to have you contact us if you have any questions! Use our contact webform, or call us at (206) 249-7922 (if we don’t answer, leave a voicemail).

How do I fill out the form now, but pay later?

Simple! After submitting your membership information, you will be taken to our Payments page. If you don’t have the information you need at that time to complete your payment, just close the page.  When you are ready to pay, please do NOT fill out another registration form! Instead, simply click the PAYMENTS link at the top of our website, and you’ll be taken to the same payments page. If paying be credit card, be sure that you use the “Firm or Member name (for ID)” to indicate whose membership fee is being paid.

If you are going to pay by check, simply mail the check to us at Professionals in Workers’ Compensation / PO Box 21464 / Seattle WA 98111. Be sure to note in the “Memo” line (or on a cover sheet or sticky note) whose membership fee is being paid.

I think my employer paid for a Firm Membership. Does that mean I’m already a member?

Not necessarily. If your employer signed up for a Firm Membership, they would have named at least three employees as members. These people will have all the benefits of membership, including free attendance at educational events, a listing in the membership directory, and (coming soon!) access to members-only content on the PWC website. Additionally, if your employer paid for the Flex Option, if a Firm Member from your company is unable to attend a program, they can send a non-member coworker to attend a program for free.

If your employer did sign up for a Firm Membership, you may or may not have been one of the people designated as a member. To find out, you can ask your employer, or go to this page and search for your name. Or you can contact us either by email or by phone at (206) 249-7922.

I’m a staff person registering a Firm Membership for my employer. What do I do?

Use the Firm Membership option. You will need to have contact information (name, address, phone, email, etc.) for at least three employees from your company in order to complete the form. You can register additional employees as members by completing the Individual Membership form, or signing up for a sponsorship, and then paying at the individual or sponsor price for each. OR if you have three more employees, you can sign them up using the Firm Membership form again, and paying the discounted Firm Membership price.

Be sure that your employer knows about our Flex Option. By adding the Flex Option to your Firm Membership for $50, your firm gains the flexibility in attendees at each PWC educational programs (January, May, September, and November). For more information, see the Flex Option FAQ “What is the Flex Option for the Firm Membership?”

Oops, I made a mistake on my registration, and didn’t catch it until after I clicked “Submit.” Help!

Whether you misspelled something, need to change your membership type, or have a new phone number, etc., we’re happy to help you out with that!  But please, do NOT complete another registration form. Instead, please send us an email using our contact webform, and let us know what needs to be changed, or call us at (206) 249-7922 (if we don’t answer, please leave a voicemail).