The following are the guidelines and time frames for the ad submission process:
- Because our directory is now published online, your ad can be included on our sponsor page anytime after we’ve confirmed your sponsorship registration and payment. Upon receipt and posting, sponsorship ads will be displayed for at least the remainder of the membership year, which ends in August, or until the posting of the current year’s membership directory, whichever date is later.
- Ads should be submitted in one of the following formats:
- Please submit your ads by email (see below) in SVG, PDF, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIF, BMP or other universal graphics files type.
For best results, SVG or PNG formats are recommended (especially for smaller-sized ads).
- If you want to submit your ad in a format not listed above, please contact our Directory Coordinator at, or by using the “Contact us” link at the top of our web page.
- Email the ad file as an attachment to Please provide the phone number and email address of a contact person(s) who can make decisions regarding the ad. Please review your ad carefully to be sure the ad looks exactly as you wish it to appear. Although we love our sponsors dearly, PWC is not able to provide ad development or editing services.
- If you wish to upgrade your ad to a larger size, you can do so by notifying us via email ( and paying the difference between your original sponsorship and your desired level.
- Exact ad sizes in final display will, of course, vary depending upon the screen or device used to view our website. For maximum resolution and readability, your ad should be designed as if it were to appear printed in the following approximate minimum sizes (larger files will be reduced to fit our space):
- Diamond and Platinum Sponsorship Level: 7¼ inches high by 4½ inches wide.
- Gold Sponsorship Level: 3½ inches high by 4½ inches wide
- Emerald Presenting Sponsor: “Centerfold” ad. Please contact for specifications
- Prior to submission, please “preview” your ad with the final display conditions in mind, to make sure that fonts are large enough to be read, etc.
- Ads will be published as received. Please also be sure all ads are proof-read for accurate spelling, phone numbers, and other important information.
- Every effort is made to ensure that ads will be displayed in high quality. The quality of the original file, however, will dictate the ultimate quality of final display. (Hint: Scanned business cards do not usually turn out well!)
- If you have any other questions, please contact Patti Kratzke at (206) 659-7755, or e-mail questions to