Wanted: Volunteers for PWC

Want to become more involved with PWC? Enhance your networking?
We need volunteers to help with:

  • Running the check-in table;
  • Assembling the directory;
  • Contacting members for renewal;
  • Contacting potential PWC sponsors;
  • Planning for the annual banquet;
  • Set up for events (including flower arranging for the banquet!);
  • And many other opportunities.
Interested?  Please contact a Board Member, or refer to the information on our Contact page to let us know!

Wanted: PWC members to serve on the Board of Directors.

Wanted: PWC members to serve on the Board of Directors.
Desired qualities:
  1. Enthusiasm for PWC’s mission of learning, networking, and professional fellowship
  2. Organizational skills
  3. Basic computer skills (email, documents)

How do I apply?

  1. You must be a member of PWC (so join or renew by clicking here!)
  2. Contact a current Board member to act as a sponsor for your candidacy.
  3. Write a letter of intent to the Board.
  4. Brush up your resume or CV to send along with your letter of intent.
  5. Your letter of intent and resume/CV can be forwarded to a current Board member, or to the PWC Board electronically at contact@PWC.org
Expectations of position:
  1. Attend in person at least four of seven Board meetings. Meetings are generally held one time each month in February, April, June, July, August, October, and December.
  2. Attend and assist with 3 of the 6 programs/events held throughout the year, September, November, January (two presentations), March (Banquet), May, and June (member planning retreat).
  3. Serve on at least one committee:
    Sponsorship and Fund Raising
    Publications and Communications
    Other committees and projects as needed
  4. Assist as needed with projects such as membership, directory, fund raising, program planning, etc.
  5. Remuneration: None, other than the ability to network with other professionals, including peers and potential referral sources, the opportunity to learn new skills in communications, computers, and leadership, and the eternal gratitude of your fellow PWC members and the Board of Directors.