Diamond Sponsorship Registration, 2024-2025


    Thank you for your support of PWC! Please enter your name and other information AS YOU WANT IT TO APPEAR in the PWC Online Directory. Please help us by using appropriate capitalization, spelling, etc. Although we will try to correct any obvious mistakes, the membership data base and directory is a volunteer effort, staffed by humans, and we will undoubtedly miss a few things.

    A Diamond Sponsor Membership includes registration of two PWC members. While completing this form, you will be asked for the name of the other member, and their email address. If unknown, please state that, and proceed with completing your membership.

    If, after submitting, you need to correct some information, or submit payment later, please DO NOT FILL OUT ANOTHER FORM. Instead, send an email to contact@pwc.org with the corrected information, or for payments, go to the Payments page (link is found at the top of the screen) and submit your payment.

    Type of Membership (select one):

    First Name (required)

    Last Name (required)

    Credentials (e.g. RN, MD, VRC, CDMS, etc. If none, please put "none.")

    Profession/Job Title (if none, please put "none.")

    Company/Firm (required)

    Please choose from the drop-down menu. If your company is not listed, please select "OTHER" and fill in your company name below. If you do business under your personal name, and do not have a company name, then please select "None."

    If "Other," please enter the name of your company (if none, please select "none" from the menu above, and leave this field blank:

    Email (required)


    Primary Contact Phone (required)

    Phone Ext (if needed)


    Mailing Address Line 1 (required)

    Mailing Address Line 2 (optional)

    City (required)

    State (required)

    Zip Code (required)

    Service Category (required)

    Additional information: (It's just for you to add anything you want us to know! Or you can just skip it. Either way, we won't publish what you put in this box.)



    Program/Speaker suggestions:

    I would like to help with: (check as many as apply)
    Event Planning
    Event set up and check-in
    Directory preparation and publication
    Membership and Sponsorship Drives
    PWC History Project

    I am good with: (check as many as apply)
    Mail merge
    Fund Raising
    Computer graphics
    Flower arranging
    Public speaking

    Other Comments or Suggestions:


    OTHER MEMBER: A Diamond Sponsor Membership includes registration for two members. For matching purposes, please note the name of the other Diamond Sponsor Member from your company in the space below. If unknown, please state that.
    NOTE: This form will need to be completed again to register the other member covered under this Diamond Sponsorship.

    Email for other member (if you know it):



    I will pay by (select one):

    If "Other" was selected, please explain below:

    Spam sorter: Please answer the following question: